issue dated September 10, 2024 Bangalore, India My phone is at 0%

Aman's general mishmash of design, data & code

The definite, Illustrated & annotated anthology of my varied pastimes


Nifty clicky-click stuff,

map-alicious eye-candy stuff,

snazzy chart-y-chart doodads,

arty schmarty stuff,

code-y code stuff

and if-i-don't-know-it-i'll-learn-it stuff.

Heard and seen, here and there

Journeys of Resilience
Who is my neta?
UN IOM Regional Data Hub Portal
I've made stuff for the news

Just for fun

Who's ahead in the word games?

Rhea and I have been tracking our NYT word games and we're pretty competitive about it. Who's winning and by what margin?

Connections Connections


Last updated on September 10, 2024

Thumbnail for Viz of the Week: U.S Polling Places

U.S Polling Places

I mapped addresses of U.S polling places and plotted their locations (probably a population map lol). Geocoding was an interesting challenge; I found out that the Census website provides a nice generous API. Processed in R but mapped in QGIS (whoops). A pretty simple visualization for this week, but getting geocoding to work was fun. It took around 4 hours to run through the full dataset in batches of 9999 addresses each.

Tidytuesday | Year progress


1 week

Watch me go
✺ Bangalore ✺